

School of Business and 经济学


  • 经济学
  • ACT 211: Financial Accounting
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会计的基本要素以及收集和报告财务数据的方法将在本课程中学习, including a study of financial statements, journalizing financial transactions, merchandising activities, 房地产投资, plant and equipment; and depreciation as it applies to corporations. 前提条件:BUS 201.

  • BDA 337: Introduction to Business Data Analytics
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这是一门入门课程,教授与驱动数据分析和商业智能相关的日常决策的概念和理论密切相关的应用工作技能. 每个模块都侧重于一个主题与现实世界的案例,学生将开始与业务问题和底层数据的斗争,有条不紊地钻下去,并从技术方法解决问题. A few of these topics include, applications of statistics, data visualization tools in Excel, 线性回归, 时间量系列, classification algorithms, 数据偏差.

  • BUS 201: Introduction to Management, Marketing and Information Technology
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这门调查课程将着眼于当今美国的商业体系,包括对各种类型的企业及其收集的信息的研究, 商店, 和过程, including administration and management of people, 设施, 和信息. 课程将包括相关的计算机模拟商业环境的经验.

  • BUS 261: Business Analysis Tools and Business Statistics
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本课程将通过Microsoft Excel的应用和商业统计分析的部署,重点介绍商业分析和解决问题的策略.

  • BUS 483: Business Ethics
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本课程的目的是为商业道德决策和道德评估打下基础. 重点包括全球和国内经济、社会和法律环境问题. 运用商业伦理理论和哲学对理想、法律和价值进行评价. 案例研究和古典文学强调学习方式,包括道德决策和分析. A culmination of previous work is applied. Prerequisites: Business or 经济学 major with Senior standing.

  • ECO 201: Macroeconomics
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这是一门关于宏观经济学原理研究的范围和方法的概括性课程. Topics will include decision-making by households and firms, 供求关系, operation of markets and the determination of prices, the evaluation of social welfare within alternative economic systems, 国际贸易 and foreign exchange, 金融市场, the role and objectives of government in economic policy.

  • ECO 202: Microeconomics
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This is a course covering principles of microeconomics. Topics will include decision‐making by households and firms, 供求关系, operation of markets and the determination of prices, 国际贸易, elements of industrial organization and varying degrees of competition, and the evaluation of social welfare within alternative economic systems.

  • ECO 221: History of Economic Thought
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This is a survey course of the history of economic thought from 1600 to 2000, focusing on primary works and discussion of their historical context. Major authors covered will include Smith, Marx, Marshall, and Keynes. Specific policy areas surveyed include internal improvements, 货币与银行业, 关税, 贸易, 反垄断, 和监管. Recommended prerequisite: ECO 201.

  • ECO 321:计量经济学
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这门课 is the study of Econometrics, 为实际经济和商业现象的定量测量和分析提供技术. Prerequisites: fulfillment of the general education math requirement, ECO 201 and ECO 202 and (MTH 252 or MTH 271).

  • ECO 421: Intermediate Microeconomics
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这门课 uses principles of economic and statistical analysis in management decision making and practical problem solving; demand evaluation and sales forecasting; cost and profitability analysis; pricing policy; uncertainty and risk, and use of case studies. Prerequisites: fulfillment of general education math requirement and ECO 202.

  • ECO 428: Intermediate Macroeconomics and Public Policy
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本课程使用经济方法论来评估在, and the purposes driving, the development of economic public policies in the U.S.,重点关注政府在制定社会政策方面的作用及其对个人的影响. Students will (a) complete an essay describing a recent U.S. 经济政策事件, and (b) an essay describing the economic justification for recent public policy in one (1) of the following three (3) topics: Environmental and Natural Resource 经济学; 经济学 of Health; or 经济学 of Education. 先决条件:满足通识教育数学要求和ECO 201和ECO 202和(MTH 252或MTH 271).

  • ECO 485: Economic Major Thesis
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This capstone course will integrate and apply key economic theory and models through the student's original choice of research; evaluation of the thesis will be by committee. Business Exam Fee required. Prerequisite: Senior status 经济学 major and ECO 221 and ECO 321.

  • FIN 331:金融
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这是一门关于管理财务原理和实践的入门课程, sources and methods of raising capital, 现金流量分析, financial statement analysis, 金融市场, and stockholder equity concerns. 其他概念将包括风险决策和使用经营和财务杠杆. Prerequisites: General education math requirements and ACT 211.

  • MTH 252: Introduction to Calculus
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这门课, 非数学专业, 将学习微分和积分的极限和基础,重点是应用. The use of technology (graphing calculator, websites, Maple) will be used. Prerequisite: C- or better in AMTH 101 or CMTH 101 or MTH 201 or equivalent.

  • Choose 3 of the following:
  • BDA 338: Data Wrangling and Decision Making
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数据整理将原始数据转换成对分析和改进决策非常有用的格式. 该课程旨在为学生提供按需的SQL工作技能,重点关注YouTube和Kickstarter等公司的实际应用. A combination of online lectures, 与课程讲师和同学的实时讨论提高了学生将SQL工具(不需要编码经验)应用于业务情况的能力. 前提条件:BDA 337.

  • ECO 323: Money and Financial Markets
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这门课 is an overview of 金融市场 and institutions, 货币市场, 股票, 债券, 外币, 和衍生品. Prerequisite: ECO 201 or ECO 202.

  • ECO 340: Morality, Social Policy, and 经济学
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本课程将从古典经济学概念和方法的回顾开始, and a review of the basic tenets of morality. 然后,课程将转向经常讨论“道德”社会选择的主题, such as alleviating human misery, 政府援助, 污染, 犯罪, 和贫困. 本课程将以评估经济学所建议的可以影响道德选择的方法和政府计划作为结束, 以及在实施和实施这些项目中存在的固有障碍. Recommended Prerequisite: ECO 201 or ECO 202.

  • ECO 429: Environment, Climate and Sustainability
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本课程概述了围绕人类相互作用和环境利用评估的主题, 对气候的影响, and assessment of long term sustainability. Using environmental and economics concepts and methods, the course will cover topics such as means to value natural resources, methods for appropriately mitigating externalities (such as 污染), and assessing development activities. The course will also evaluate the availability and use of natural resources, depletable and renewable, 比如能源, 水, 土地, 和森林. 最后, the course will assess relevant topics surrounding 气候 change, including its measurement, 原因, effects (magnitude and geographic distribution), and potential responses. 在整个课程中,学生将学习与环境相关的政府机构和法律程序, 气候, 和可持续性. Recommended Prerequisite: ECO 201 or ECO 202.

  • FIN 445: International Finance
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这门课 will explain corporate strategies, 机会, 和过程es for raising funds, 投资, 发展与全球合作伙伴的金融关系,包括审查全球股票市场, 资金往来, and foreign financial institutions. 前提条件:FIN 331.

当前的学生, 请注意:这里列出的要求可能不反映该专业的最新课程,也可能不是您要完成专业的目录年的要求. 请参阅 学术目录 for official requirements you must meet to qualify for a degree.

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